The Benefits of Taking Summer Classes
Summer is coming up after the annual 10-month schooling routine. Depending on your grade, class time might be winding down in its curriculum, or there is a big wall of exams. Either way, soon we will have tons of free time, especially as the lockdown is lightening up. There might be a looming question coming at you from teachers or parents, should you take summer classes?
There are many benefits from summer school. If your classes rely on the credit system, scoring a few extra credits could make your workload easier the next fall. Fewer students take summer classes than normal attendance, so there is more time for one-on-one classes with teachers. This will improve understanding of the core curriculum and more focus on the subject at hand.
We all have experienced the anxiety of fearing we have forgotten what we did last year in school, that we will be behind in work from the summer brain drain. Fortunately, summer classes will help retain the information and keep your brain sharp, ready to start the next chapters of mathematics, history, or any other subject.
A big point that tends to push people away from taking summer classes is the idea that there will be less free time, and it makes sense. If summer is a big break from school, why add extra work to it? Summer classes generally do not take all of the free time, making it the perfect mix of staying on top of classes while still enjoying the break. Of course, procrastination and bad habits might get the better of you, which is why it is important to create a schedule and stick to it.
In any case, it is important to try and stimulate the brain even on vacation. Reading a book, or doing a few math problems before bed will greatly help retain the information from last year. Summer classes are there to make sure students can catch up on school work to be successful, and it is often a good practice to consider all the opportunities available.
“Should I Take Summer Classes in College?” College Ave Student Loans, 8 May 2017,
“Geneva College Blog.” 10 Great Reasons Why You Should Consider Taking Summer School Courses — Geneva College, a Christian College in Pennsylvania (PA), 27 Apr. 2020,
Patterson, Ransom. “Should You Take Summer Classes? Here’s How to Decide.” College Info Geek, 12 Mar. 2021,
Ventura, Amy. “Six Good Reasons to Take Summer Classes.” CU Denver News, 28 Mar. 2019,